• What is the difference between the INSIDE and OUTSIDE sections of The NEW U? The INSIDE has a primary focus on investigating your own life's history and making changes to make a better NEW U. Whereas, the OUTSIDE has a primary focus of making yourself happier and healthier by landing that Great job you deserve.
  • Which should I focus on first, my INSIDE or OUTSIDE?The best way is to decide which is most important to you at the moment. Are you currently out of work? - OUTSIDE Or, are your relationships around you crashing down in flames? - INSIDE
  • Are there any discounts or deals for purchasing both an INSIDE & OUTSIDE course?Great question and no, not at this time. There has been some thought to combining the INSIDE Total Package course with the OUTSIDE Advanced Course. Please email us and make us an offer.
  • Are refunds offered?Because no physical product is transferred, refunds are difficult to quantify. Please inquire through this site and all refunds will be considered with the utmost good faith.
  • Why doesn't the old 12-step program work anymore?The antiquated 12-step program was written decades before the invention of color TV or even Playboy magazine and light years before an iPhone ever existed. It provides a vague at best structure to deal with the Internet. The negligible success rate for true 21st Century change is superficial at best. It lacks a formal structure to change habits and build new lives by addressing the root causes of WHY we are here.